SBS 7th local elections broadcast ballot box by BICTURE Studio

The Korean motion design studio, BICTURE, produced the SBS 7th local elections broadcast in 2018 with the concept of “the world in the ballot box". It represents cities in each region and expresses the famous local landmarks with the lovely animation of geometric objects.

He turned the stiff and serious political propaganda into a lively and interesting visual presentation. Encourage people to actively participate in the voting, which implies that the votes of every citizen will subtly change or affect the homeland and the country.


Pforzheim 2019

汽車設計名校PF 2019年的夏季畢業展。 在這只節錄部分有youtube 影片的作品,以及特別與Lagonda品牌合作的項目。有些很有意思的設計,頂級豪華私人潛艇、扇型伸縮階梯豪華內飾,都是年輕設計學生對於所謂豪華品牌產品的理解和表達嘗試,這是世界一流學府的水準。 但我說句心裡話,整體來說今年有點退步,設計都不夠新穎…
